ALL tents, caravans etc. must be pitched as instructed by employees of the Park. Cars must be parked in front of the tent/cabin, unless specifically instructed otherwise. This is for your safety ! Strictly NO GAZEBOS.
NO NOISE after 11pm.........this includes radios etc and talking loudly............please consider other people !!
DOGS must be on a 'short' lead at all times. (including on the path to the beach) They must be exercised off the Park and NOT allowed to foul the grass. Any accidental fouling MUST be cleared up immediately. Dogs must NOT be left unattended on the park at anytime.
PLAY AREA. (Open: 8am - 8pm or dusk if earlier). It is a condition of use of the play area that Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children and consequently MUST supervise their children at all times.
ELSAN DISPOSAL POINT. Containers MUST NOT be emptied in the toilets.
NO FIRES (other than charcoal BARBEQUES, not wood) are allowed. BARBEQUES must not be allowed to burn the grass, and must either be on a STAND or placed on BRICKS which are available at the entrances. Please return bricks to the entrance. Persons damaging the grass will be charged £10 for any repairs. They must not be left unattended whilst alight. Ashes must be disposed of in the metal bins provided. Strictly NO CHINESE LANTERNS.
NO CARS or TAXIS are permitted on or off the Park between 10.45pm - 7.30am.
NO BALL GAMES, CYCLING, SKATEBOARDING, ROLLERSKATING etc. around reception and toilet blocks.
DEPARTURES: Glamping Pods must be vacated by 10 am. Tent Pitches must be vacated by 11 am.
EXTENDED STAY up to 6pm may be available for £10 (Tent & Touring Pitches Only, NOT available in school holidays or at peak times)
NO COMPLAINT will be considered AFTER the visitor has left the Park. Any problems should be reported to reception as soon as possible in order to give the management the opportunity to resolve them.
The management accepts no responsibility for any loss, theft or injury, where ever, how so ever caused or sustained.
NON COMPLIANCE may result in immediate eviction from the park.